

Arepas are fried or baked corn pancakes, either plain or with a filling and most Venezuelans eat them as part of their daily diet in place of bread. They are one of the national dishes of Venezuela and there are many food stands or small restaurants called Areperas, which specialise in the making of these small delights.

Arepas have been an important staple in the diets of the poor Venezuelan’s diet for centuries but today, they are eaten by rich and poor alike . Originally, they were made from dried corn kernels which were soaked in water and lime to remove the skins, then cooked, drained, dried and ground into flour but thanks to modern technology, it is now possible to buy the masa harina (flour) ready to use, cutting out that lengthy soaking/drying process, which means they can be prepared in just a few minutes.

Arepas can be eaten for breakfast, at any time of the day as a snack, as an appetiser or starter especially when accompanied with a sauce or as an accompaniment to a main course much like bread rolls. They can be eaten plain, cooked with a filling of meat, poultry or cheese, simply split open and buttered or filled like a sandwich. They can be poached, grilled, baked, griddled or (most often) fried, making them not only of the most traditional but also one of the most versatile foods in Venezuela.

Incidentally, the Venezuelans aren't the only people to favour Arepas - the Columbians have their own version. The basic ingredients are the same but they are generally thinner, more like a pancake.

Country Of Origin:



1. Add milk to mix,(instead of water, prefferably 2% fat free
depending of the quantity of arepas you want to make), then
2. Add an egg, then
3. Add lots of schreded fresh parmessan cheeses, then
4. Stir thoroughly with a batter, then
5. Start pouring the corn mix, (the best and most popular in
Venezuela's pre-cooked corn mix "Harina P.A.N."
Particularly, I preffer the yellow corn mix), little by
little as you mix it with a batter, then
6. Continue mixing the corn mix with your hand (wash your hands
before mixing)to give the mix the desired blend, and to
avoid it to crumb adding more milk for the proper
consistancy (not to soft nor hard), then
7. Add salt to your test (remember to add the salt last since
the parmessan cheese is salty).
8. Once you are on point 6, take a deep pan adding enough oil
to cover the arepas, and place it on the stove medium high;
so that when you are ready to cook fry the arepas the oil is
very hot.


Important note: Do not leave the mix too long on the bowl before frying the arepas since it hardens.

Well, once you have had followed the above mixing instructions, procced to cook the arepas!

1. Take a hand full of the mix into your hand stroking your
hands together on a circle manner to make a ball, then
2. Place the ball on a kitchen plastic wrap, and wrap the
ball flatening it making it round, even and smooth(approx.
1/4 of an inch thick), then
3. Turn the stove to medium heat and place the arepas into the
pre heated frying pan until it's golden fried.
4. Golden fry the arepas for about 8 - 10 minutes or until
thoroughly cooked, then
5. As you take the arepas out of the frying pan; place them on
doble paper towels to absorb the oil before serving.

Note: The mixture of the milk, eggs and parmessan cheese makes a very thin, golden and soft arepas crust; making it to absorb very little oil.

You can open the arepas medium half, put butter if you like, scrambled eggs, smoked turkey, or fill it up with anything your little heart desires.

It is a delicious breakfast meal that you can eat with refried beans, a cup of fresh coffee late, capucino, or anything your little heart desires, and

Enjoy eating your arepa!

Price: ~ $4-$5.50

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